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A great shoehorn with many uses: Can be used standing or sitting for many types of footwearIdeal for after hip or knee surgery or during pregnancyCan assist those with arthritic conditions and limited hand useWhether you have back problems or no physical issues Click...


USDA VERSUS BUSTER’S DIET RULES II The USDA new food labelling guidelines came out at year’s end and probably will lead to confusion for many. A rule of thumb here is to do your work to understand the changes. The new labelling scheme eliminates the well-known GMO, GE...

Veterans Day

THANK YOU FOR ALLOWING ME INTO THE MILITARY.  VETERANS DAY 11 NOVEMBER 2021. To put things correctly into perspective: Memorial Day, Armed Forces and Veterans Day, etc. are inter-twined but those who made the ultimate sacrifice, are MIA or have been...


YUNGATART FRONTMAN'S BIRTHDAY & COMMENTS Yes, this past week was my birthday and several things come into mind: First few others remembered but to quote Laozi as our Sheng RD would: “Care about people’s approval, and you will always be their prisoner.”AKC...

Yunga Tart favors the sauna?

If you have not been in an old-fashioned wood fired sauna you may not know what you are missing. A university study in Finland noted that men who took a sauna 4 to 7 times a week were more than 60 percent less likely to have dementia or Alzheimer’s disease, as opposed...


Believe it or not Made in America really helps Social Security (NSSM Symbol above). Everyone loves when things are made in America because it means jobs for our citizens. A company like yours, that is identified as made in America, has untapped potential at your...

Buster on Dog Ownership

Buster here, Yunga Tart’s front man. Of course, this is about dogs. I was born in Texas, shipped to an Oklahoma pet distributor but then one in my liter began to cough. Off to a kill shelter in Kansas we went.   Fortunately, a policewoman and her husband in...

Mother’s Day and Carnations

Begun by Anna Maria Jarvis in 1908 Mother's Day is celebrated by over 50% of the world's people on the second Sunday of May. A very meaningful Day which is symbolized by Pink and Red Carnations for the living and White for those who have passed. Remembering Mom before...

Number 58220

The 58220 is the DCAS (Defense Casualty Analysis System) number of American deaths during the Vietnam War. The actual number has changed upward slightly over the years, and currently there are 58,318 names on the Vietnam War Memorial Wall in Washington DC....

Heart Shaped Contrails